Industrial accidents that could have been prevented – about the practical applications of Thermosafety.

Eurostat says that more than 3,000 people die in work-related accidents in the European Union every year. Meanwhile, data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that nearly 5,000 people lost their lives at work in 2021 - almost 9% more than the year before. In developing countries, where safety procedures are sometimes still underdeveloped or OHS guidelines go completely by the wayside, these incidents are even more numerous.
Pracownik, który uległ wypadkowi przy pracy

Accidents at work with machinery

While it seems that processes in manufacturing plants in Europe and the States are airtight, statistics leave no illusions. Every year while working with machinery:

  • in Poland, about 50 people die;
  • in Europe, about 500 people die;
  • in the US, about 350 people die.

Accidents that prevent a worker from doing their job, that is, send them on sick leave or cause permanent damage to their health, are much more common. Where, then, lays the problem?

Causes of accidents at work

OHS professionals make every effort to make factory sites safe for workers. They conduct proper training, implement safety procedures, and invest in safety systems. Unfortunately, their hard work can be in vain when workers decide not to follow instructions: they bypass security, fail to follow procedures or even come to work under the influence of banned substances. Fatal or seriously injurious accidents most often occur in these situations.

Fortunately, Thermosafety can save people or limit the injuries they may suffer even in these seemingly hopeless cases. This is made possible by human recognition algorithms and fast reaction times. If a person is in the danger zone designated for the device, Thermosafety will stop its operation and prevent a dangerous situation.

Our system will find application in any manufacturing industry.

Here Thermosafety can save health and lives

Pracownik umiera w wypadku w sortowni śmieci

Fatal accident at a waste sorting plant in Warsaw, Poland, 2023

In January, Poland was shaken by news of the death of a foreman at a waste sorting plant in Warsaw. The man was trying to manually unlock a jammed garbage shredding machine. Unexpectedly, the machine started up and dragged him inside. Unfortunately, the man could not be saved.

How could Thermosafety help in this situation?

One of Thermosafety’s main goals is to secure difficult-to-safeguard machines and prevent accidents resulting from human error.

A worker entering the danger zone would make it impossible to start the machine. The foreman would be able to safely remove the interlock and safely leave the area afterward. At the same time, Thermosafety would not react to debris, even if it deceptively resembled a human being. All other safety devices could not be used here, as the trash itself would activate the devices. [source]

Śmiertelny wypadek w fabryce frytek

Fatal accident at a French fries factory in Perdizes, Brazil, 2022

While performing her duties, a worker lost her balance and fell onto a conveyor belt transporting potatoes to a slicer. Although it was turned off before the fall, it started up after the fall. The machine killed the woman. Everything happened so fast that her co-workers did not have time to react.

How could Thermosafety help in this situation?

One of Thermosafety’s main goals is to secure difficult-to-safeguard machines and prevent accidents resulting from human error.

Since the system’s response time is 100 ms, Thermosafety would have stopped the machine in time and prevented the woman’s death.[source]

Pracownik traci nogę w wypadku z udziałem maszyny

Permanent injury as a result of an accident at an OSB manufacturing plant in Strzelce Opolskie, Poland, 2021

A production line maintenance worker was inspecting one of the machines. While he was inside it, the machine’s drum was unexpectedly triggered. The jammed man’s leg was cut off by the machine. Fortunately, he managed to survive the accident.

How could Thermosafety help in this situation?

One of Thermosafety’s main goals is to secure difficult-to-safeguard machines and prevent accidents resulting from human error.

Thermosafety would have detected that there was a human in the danger zone covering the machine and prevented the machine from starting[source]

Mężczyzna ginie w wyniku wypadku w fabryce papieru

Fatal accident at a paper factory in Włocławek, Poland, 2020

Under unknown circumstances, a nearly 60-year-old man ended up on the conveyor belt of a production line. According to the prosecutor’s office, the machine was properly protected, the training had no irregularities, and the accident was most likely the result of the employee’s improper use of the machine.

How could Thermosafety help in this situation?

One of Thermosafety’s main goals is to secure difficult-to-safeguard machines and prevent accidents resulting from human error.

Upon detecting the presence of a human in the danger zone, Thermosafety would immediately stop the machine, preventing an accident. [source]

Wypadek w fabryce samochodów Volkswagen

Fatal accident at a car factory in Baunatal, Germany, 2015

An assembly robot grabbed a factory worker and slammed him against a metal sheet. The man was starting the start-up procedure while inside the metal safety cage.

How could Thermosafety help in this situation?

One of Thermosafety’s main goals is to secure difficult-to-safeguard machines and prevent accidents resulting from human error.

Once a human is detected in the robot’s safety cage, Thermosafety’s system would not allow the machine to resume operation until the human exits the danger area. The robots and workpieces themselves do not activate Thermosafety, unlike, for example, scanners and other such devices. [source]

Warning and monitoring of traffic in hazardous areas

THERMOSAFETY LITE is a camera system designed to detect people as well as forklifts. It is a solution whose main application is  monitoring intersections with limited visibility, where pedestrians and forklifts often cross their paths.

The device consists of a stereovision camera and an AI system that analyzes the observed image and 3D space. When a human is detected, the device displays selected warning signals.

The device offers a unique networking capability, improving the range and accuracy of human detection – the functionality of the device can be expanded by connecting it to the THERMOSAFETY HUB.

Examples of TS LITE applications


Carts and other industrial vehicles pose the greatest danger when they appear suddenly. THERMOSAFETY LITE will monitor hidden areas and send warnings when a vehicle and worker are in the path of a collision.


THERMOSAFETY LITE can monitor areas where forklifts and pedestrians often move in the same area. A warning signal that lights up when pedestrians and forklifts are in the same area can prevent unpleasant situations.


Exits from the corridors directly onto the path are troublesome to secure. With THERMOSAFETY LITE, we can inform the approaching cart already in the corridor. Likewise, we will warn the cart driver of an approaching employee before the employee opens the door!

The THERMOSAFETY HUB allows for the construction of a network of THERMOSAFETY LITE devices. The High-Performance Server supports up to 8 stereovision cameras and is equipped with a PLC to control the devices.

High performance allows you to expand functionality! Using the power of the THERMOSAFETY HUB server allows you to combine observed areas, delineate warning zones, and history and analyze events. All with increased precision and detection performance.

Examples of TS HUB applications


Large plazas with increased cart traffic are areas where drivers should be extra careful. Such areas can be monitored using several THERMOSAFETY LITE devices and when people are detected, drivers can be informed of their presence.


Using THERMOSAFETY HUB with several THERMOSAFETY LITE cameras, we can monitor several, different sections of the same intersection. Recognition of approaching people or oncoming carts will allow effective traffic management at this location.


Some production areas are protected from the entry of workers. Their presence is allowed only at certain times. By combining THERMOSAFETS LITE, we can observe large production lines and alert people to entry at specific times.

Online system for event analytics

With selected THERMOSAFETY systems you will analyze the detailed history of events!