Frequently asked questions about Thermosafety: an intelligent safety system for industry

The following list of questions has been compiled from those asked by our clients. We hope you will find the answers you are looking for among them. However, if you don’t, please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

1. Questions about technical aspects

What is the maximum number of virtual safety zones?

The maximum number of virtual safety zones is 3. Although, upon request, we can increase this number.

What are the maximum dimensions of the area protected by Thermosafety?

The maximum length and width are about 8 meters, which gives an area of 64 m2. As for the height, the default is 2 m, but it is worth mentioning that this dimension is configurable.

Is it possible to increase the system’s accuracy from the currently declared detection of 15 cm?

Depending on individual needs, we can explore such a possibility. However, it should be borne in mind that increasing the accuracy will reduce the maximum safety zone area.

What environmental conditions are required for the camera’s operation: temperature, humidity, and dust?

The device head can operate in the following conditions:

  • temperature 0-50°C,
  • relative humidity: 20-80% (non-condensing).

We do not have sufficient data at this time on the permissible dustiness during system operation.

Are secure digital inputs and outputs available, or the device uses a network protocol such as Ethernet/IP Safety or Profisafe?

Currently, secure digital outputs from each zone are available. If a customer needs specific functionality related to inputs/outputs, we can add it.

How can the system be controlled?

The integrator/configurator connects their computer to the central unit using the Ethernet cable available in the control box. Then, using any VNC client, they open a connection to the Thermosafety system’s viewing and management screen.

What do you mean by event logging?

By this, we mean both the collection of data on people entering into the danger zone (number, duration, time) and the recording of such events with a camera. We can implement such functionality at the client’s request.

2. Questions about safety levels and certifications

Is Thermosafety a certified device?

Our system is not certified for the time being. For this reason, we recommend that you use it as a supporting device until it is certified.

What safety levels are planned for the future, i.e. Performance Level, SIL, and Safety Category?

We are currently in the process of preparing and acquiring certification: PLd Cat. 3, SIL 2. This level of security will eliminate standard safety curtains or 2D scanners.

3. Questions about practical application

How would the camera behave in a situation where a person is watching the machine’s work through the safety fence, very close to the danger zone? Wouldn’t the system’s hysteresis cause a false alarm?

It depends on where the system is installed, but this should not be a problem. Tests have been planned to confirm such a case.

In the future, is it planned to protect against intentional or accidental camera obstruction? E.g. taking a reference photo of the background and raising an alarm when, for example, the coverage is less than 50%?

Yes, but this is a very complicated issue and we are not able to specify at this time when such functionality will be available.
It is worth mentioning that to prevent the occurrence of such situations, we try to mount Thermosafety above the workstation. In addition, diagnostic algorithms are implemented to verify the correctness of the data.

What are the advantages of Thermosafety over safety scanners?

  • It recognizes people (scanners react to the appearance of an object in the zone – no human/machine distinction)
  • It can record events (scanners do not have such a function)
  • the shape of the base of the designated zone is fully configurable (3D scanners do not offer such an option)

For more on the differences between safety scanners and Thermosafety, see our dedicated post on
the differences between Thermosafety and safety scanners.

What are the advantages of Thermosafety over safety curtains?

  • It recognizes people (curtains react to the appearance of an object in the zone – no human/machine distinction)
  • It monitors the zone in 3D (curtains only monitor a part of the zone in 2D)
  • It has a large coverage area – up to 64 m2 (curtains monitor a small part of the zone, usually its border)
  • It can record events (curtains do not have such a function)
  • Up to three independent danger zones can be designated with one device (the fence covers only one zone)
  • The shape of the base of the designated zone is fully configurable (the curtains do not offer such a feature)
What are the advantages of Thermosafety over safety fences?
  • It recognizes people (fences do not recognize what object has appeared in the zone)
  • It monitors the zone in 3D (fences only mark the boundaries of the zone)
  • It is impossible to deceive (fences are easy to deceive, which consequently leads to accidents on production lines)
  • It can record events (fences do not have such a function)
  • Up to three independent danger zones can be designated with one device (the fence covers only one zone)

What happens if the power goes out? What happens if the cables connecting the Thermosafety head to the control unit are disconnected/cut by mistake?

Both the lack of power and disconnection of the head from the control unit will trigger the alarms defined for the zones. This is because the device works on the principle of inverted logic. Only when receiving a signal that a person is not in the zone, the alarm signal will not be triggered. In these cases, the signal does not reach the control unit.

What kind of machines is Thermosafety able to protect?

Thermosafety, after acquiring the relevant certifications, will be able to safeguard any machine, including cobots. Until then, we recommend using the device as a support system for machines that are difficult or impossible to safeguard. You can find examples of use in this article.

What accidents can Thermosafety prevent?

We believe that our system because it is difficult or impossible to deceive, is capable of preventing or minimizing the severity of almost any accident on a production line. We have presented examples of the application of its functions in our series of articles describing accidents in production plants.

Is Thermosafety capable of completely replacing LOTO?

At this point, Thermosafety is not able to completely replace the LOTO procedure. Nevertheless, it can prove to be indispensable support in the event of human error or employee negligence. We wrote more about this in the article How Thermosafety improves LOTO.

Will moving Thermosafety’s head move the zones? What will happen in such a case?

According to our procedures, we mount the device high, on stationary surfaces, where the risk of such an event is low. However, we have provided for such an eventuality: in the event of displacement, the system will trigger the same alarm that would occur if a person entered the danger zone.

4. Questions about unusual operating conditions

[Pharmaceutical industry] Is it possible to place Thermosafety in a glass container to meet the sterility requirements of the workstation?

Unfortunately, the sensor technology used currently does not allow such safeguards.

[Mining industry] Is Thermosafety able to protect miners?

Currently, our system is not designed to support mining. This industry requires the implementation of special safeguards to eliminate the risk of methane explosion, which our device does not have. In addition, the specific conditions in mines (such as dust levels) and the limitations of ToF technology exclude us from the run-up.